Tuesday, October 30, 2018

GCC Linker and Undefined Reference errors

The GNU ld linker is single pass linker and the order of statically linked libraries is important. If libraries are linked in the wrong order an undefined reference to symbol error will be thrown.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Installing Tensorflow 1.5 Xubuntu with NVIDIA GPU

Tensorflow 1.5 prerequisites on Xubuntu 17.10

This is a small guide to install Tensorflow 1.5 and Keras 2.1.3 on Xubuntu 17.10. If you are unsure what Linux distribution you have open a terminal and type the following command

Friday, January 12, 2018

The Lenticular Medium


It is virtually impossible to produce high quality lentigrams without a deep knowledge of the lenticular medium. Unlike standard photography where the selection of the printing support commonly happens at the end of the process, in Lentigraphy it comes first. It is important to acknowledge the properties of a lenticular sheet at the start of the process to produce prints with intended depth, angle of view and clarity. Taking a series of pictures of an object and printing them onto a lenticular medium, ignoring its technical properties, will likely result in a print with shallow depth, lack of sharpness, banding, deformation and other undesired artifacts.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Perceptrons and Classification

Notes about perceptrons and sigmoid neurons


A Perceptron behaves like a classifier. Suppose we have an input which we want to classify as either belonging to a category (labeled as 1) or another category (labeled as 0).
Its inner formula is given by
Given an input , for example , the Perceptron calculates a score: when the input belongs to the category labeled as 1, if the input belongs to a category labeled as 0.